Ethos and Rewards

At The Academy Selsey we believe in helping all students to be challenged, in all aspects of their learning and to help them to be aspirational and recognise that they are capable of anything they put their mind to.

'The TAS Way' is the set of virtues that underpins our school community. The schools’ reward system is based on these virtues and students are recognised reward for good behaviour.

Our aim is to focus on the positive. We reward students in many different ways:

  • Students will be rewarded by receiving House Points, ranging from 1 to 50. These are centred around the TAS way and Skills Builder essential life skills.

  • Students will be recognised publicly within the school community for their success.

  • Students in Year 11 are expected to have a positive conduct score, more house points than behaviour points in order to earn an invitation to the Year 11 Prom.

Throughout the year there are other rewards and awards that can be received by students. These include

  • postcards,

  • positive phone calls home,

  • pin badges for outstanding effort and achievement,

  • Subject-based stars of the week, month and year.

The Academy is clear that positive rewards are not taken away once awarded should any poor behaviour occur. Students should be recognised for their achievements and achievements do not cease to be so due to any prior poor behaviour.

We are committed to ‘catching all students’ being good.

Our community can track rewards through Class charts.

TAS Way.pdf
Rainbow Rewards.pdf